Sunday, May 28, 2006

The benefits of going AWOL :)

Hmmmm I've been rather naughty lately.. neglecting my friends and family. The past few weeks have been extremely hectic and as a result I've gone AWOL.

Using Red Bull to fuel my vegative state, throughout the entire week I've been just lurching from one activity to another, work, driving, attending lectures, sleeping, and to be honest I'm surprised my work colleagues have not mentioned my red bloodshot eyes. I'm certain that someone, somewhere is pulling my strings, making me do these things, like my very own puppet master in charge of my destiny.

Hmmm maybe I've taken another step into cuckoo land ?? Perhaps.. I just hope this stage of AWOL'ness will not last. I'm really looking forward to July, as it will be a good opportunity to catch up on some long lost friends and spend more time at the gym pumping up my muscles :)

Alas.. I've nothing to rant about at the moment, it seems that my master wishes me not to say anything at this stage. I can almost feel him twitching the strings that allow me to move my fingers across the keyboard as I'm typing this post.

Weird huh ??

1 comment:

radio666fm said...

You go to a gym to pump your muscles?

I go to my bedroom!

I even have a training partner!