Monday, July 16, 2007

New Blog..

Take a stroll and visit

I'll keep this one open for a while.. who knows.. but all new posts will go into the other blog.

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Wednesday, July 11, 2007

New Site comming soon...

Alright!! I now have a dedicated host for my new blog... been busy transfering stuff over to the remote server.

Stay tuned for the URL.

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Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Gaps in General Knowledge

I was chatting to my friend who is the author of All the Young Dudes blog tonight and the convo went something like this..

So what's next for you ?

dunno I haven't planned that far yet.. *thinks*

Bullshit... you liar! You do have something up yer sleeve.

Yeah you know me too well.. you really want to know what I'm planning?

Well I asked didn't I ?

Ok.. pua!

??? pua?

ahhhh yes.. a new term you haven't come across before.. *sniggers*

well what the fuck does it mean then and don't u snigger.

*snigger* *guffaw*... lol.. google it

pik up artist?

pull un arse

poo are

well come on fuck face tell me

LOL... that was priceless.. oh mate I wish I had seen your face just then..

well u cant and u aint gonna see me drunk either.

there's a lot of pua material out there already..

pick up arnie

pick up alison

pick upa rseholes


Finally got one over him after he told me about parking.

It's amazing what you can learn from your friends isn't it ;)

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Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Captioned Films

Yet another post about Deaf Culture !!!

I was just visiting the AAD website and found this

Fantastic news! Now I don't need to dread those Aussie films when they come out on DVD's. This had been a problem for many years whenever an Australian film was made I couldn't really enjoy their films due to lack of captioning in the DVD version.

Like Chopper for example, I had no choice but to bypass that movie when it was in cinemas and wait for the DVD version to be released. When the DVD's were finally available at my nearest video store, I was very disappointed that it didn't have captions. Particularly when there were already a whole smorgasbord of Hollywood (and foreign films) had captions on them.

For once I am pleasantly surprised the FFC had decided to do this and I'm looking forward to building my DVD collection of Aussie films.

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Tuesday, June 05, 2007

new blog comming soon

I'm planning to move everything over to a wordpress type of blog soon, just gotta organise some hosting and some swish graphics then it's done.

Some of my earlier posts will not be moved over to the new blog as I plan to make the new blog a little bit more public than it is now.

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My Deaf Identity

I had tried to start reading more about Deaf history in my efforts to understand Audism and more importantly to try and understand where some of the prevailing attitudes Deafies have today.

Somehow I got sidetracked and started reading about Deaf Identity, and I do believe that it is indirectly related to Audism, Deaf history etc.

What got me thinking about my own Deaf Identity was the Deaf Culture Online website. Especially this article.

For most of my life this is where I struggled, to develop some intimacy with friends, family and of course with romantic entanglements. Partially because people wouldn't engage with me beyond superficial conversations.

What I mean by a superficial conversation is a conversation that goes beyond the "Hi How are you?", "How is work?", "How's Uni ?", 'What have you been up to? Oh right ok!".

That's it.. yep the majority of the time people couldn't really be bothered. Partially because I couldn't keep up in group conversations (which is where most the action occurs) and partially because communicating with me (pre-CI) was a real pain in the arse.

It's also worth noting that people also found it harder to communicate with me compared to communicating with hearing people. I think the expression "Lumped in the too hard basket" comes to mind about this bit.

Consequently I've always wondered what is this invisible barrier to meaningful relationships with people, was it my "deaf voice", the "too hard basket" syndrome ? I guess I'll never find out.

There are some really thought provoking articles on the Deaf Culture Online website, some of which had really cut close to the bone.

Talk about a bombshell!!

It made realise that, even at 30 years of age I still hadn't come to terms with my own deafness.

I had been hiding it, even at times have been ashamed of it.

I was stubborn, believed that I could lie to myself so I could operate in the hearing world.

In many ways I feel like I'm Vincent Freeman in the movie Gattaca. Like me Vincent had tried everything he could to hide his "defects" or his "inferior" genes while persuing his dream to become an astronaut. His life seemed like a lonely one (except for his love interest), amongst a sea of the "elite" when he is an "Invalid".

In my case it was hiding my deafness in attempt to pass myself of as hearing, and I believe I did that so I could survive. I regularly practice talking to myself so I could catch myself mispronouncing a word and immediately correct myself. It's a habit I had developed over the years, it is all part of my effort to hide my deafness.

Unfortunately since getting a Cochlear implant in 2005, I've developed a slight paranoia about mispronouncing words. This little bit of info gives you an idea of what I go through in order to hide my deafness.

Recently I feel that I'm slowly gravitating towards the Deaf community (not just the Auslan community, but also the CI community) and have met some interesting people. This time round I feel that my social skills have developed a bit (since getting the CI, and forcing myself to go to blogmeets with the Sam and the City crowd.), and hopefully I won't make a complete mess of it.

Anyway back to me being deaf, I had also realised that I had viewed deafness in a negative light, as a disability and consequently believed I was "defective". Not exactly empowering stuff is it ?

I had failed to realised that I could have used it to empower myself, as a means to motivate myself to do better.

Not any more...

my name is slakbarsted and I am deaf.

further reading:

A beautiful post about Deaf identity

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Indoor Soccer Madness!!!

Today I was pretty tired after playing 3 games of indoor Soccer in one night. That's right 3 games in one night.

I played about 60 minutes worth of indoor soccer, and boy I've paid for it today. I was exhausted, nursed sore muscles and slipped in an occasional micro sleep throughout the day.

I won't be doing that again in a hurry, next season will start in the first week of June (a 1 week break, shit!!!). What I really need is to do this on a regular basis so I can adapt to running around, trapping the ball and work on my kicking power (which is rather pathetic).

Having said that, given the opportunity, I'll do it all over again next week in a heartbeat .


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Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Audism part two.

Ok.. let's get a few things straight.

My previous post on Audism was made in the heat of the moment, what I should have done was to do a little research about the topic itself then make a post about it. Then I realised that I was writing something about my own personal experience not a frickin' research paper.

So.. here I am again.. part two.

Audism is derived from the Latin word audire meaning to hear, and -ism, meaning system of practice, behaviour, belief, or attitude.

First stop was the website to find out what really constitutes Audism.

The website states the following...

  1. Audism is the word that specifies the discrimination on the inability of hearing.  

  2. The notion that one is superior based on one's ability to hear or behave in the manner of one who hears. (Zak 1996)

The only part of this definition I believe that really nails it is "The notion that one is superior based on one's ability to hear." I do not like the first point because it implies that only Hearing people are capable of Audism. It also fails to recognise that some Deaf/Hearing Impaired people do discriminate against hearing people.
I do not like the "behave in the manner of one who hears" bit either, since I behave like a hearing person in many ways it implies that I'm a walking example of Audism itself!!!

This definition needs to be clarified

Tony's right, this is a difficult topic to understand and articulate it on paper.

As I was wading through a mountain of reading material on this topic here my some of my observations..

  • There is clear evidence of discrimination against Deaf people in the job market.

  • Majority of causes of Audism can be traced to communication breakdown.

  • Lack of representive Deaf people in executive positions on Deaf organisations and/or Deaf educational institutions kind of speaks for itself.

I've given up on this topic for now, one reason is that I do not know much about Deaf history. I believe knowing more about Deaf history will give me a better perspective on Audism itself.

In the mean time here are some links on the topic for you to read and decide for yourself what it means.

Stay tuned for part three...

An interesting story about Gallaudet University, who do you think is the Audist and who is on the receiving end of it ? These links made me realise that I need to read more about Deaf history, so I encourage you to seek this information out yourself.

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Sunday, May 06, 2007


I learnt a new word today.. Audism, it is a term used to describe prejudice against a deaf or hearing impaired person. A belief that hearing is superior to being Deaf.

This is an interesting word.. what a wonderful resource the Internet is. As I'm writing this post I'm grinning from ear to ear, as I normally do when I learn something new and stimulating.

Tony had recently made some wonderful cosmetic changes to his blog and saw the links to deaf related material (He possibly discovered them while doing research for his assignment at Uni). Amongst the links on Tony's blog is, which I will include in my list of links as well.

It is an extremely valuable resource for deafies. It was in this website I discovered a post on the Reunify Gally blog titled "Deaf rejecting deaf" (note the capitalisation of the two words).

This post is a well articulated piece describing a typical experience of a deaf† person. What was written in this post had generally matched my own experience when I first discovered the Deaf‡ community (see explanation of terms at the end of this post) in 2001.

Those experiences had a role to play in shaping my decision as to whether or not to get a Cochlear Implant in 2004. I made a brief mention about this in April 2006.

It's ironic that the Cochlear implant community is growing partially due to the Audism that exists in the Deaf community. At a time where the Deaf community in Australia itself is struggling to survive because their numbers are dwindling and the number of institutions who support the Deaf community are also closing in greater numbers.

I'll be honest with you because I do have some friends who are a part of the Deaf community and they do regularly attend community events in an effort to support the community. They will not like what I'm about to say. I'm unable to contain my glee (Schadenfreude is a lovely word isn't it) that this is happening.

All is not entirely lost, today I went to a Cochlear Implant community event and discovered that there are a few young people who have implants are organising social events inviting Deaf & deaf people to come together in a neutral environment in an effort to reduce Audism.

A lofty goal for sure, can such initiatives succeed ? All it will do is slowly help mend the rifts between the two groups but I don't believe it will completely eradicate Audism. But it will go a long way towards minimising it in both camps.

I can honestly say that I've no regrets about getting the implant, in fact the only regret was that I didn't get it done earlier. Oh well there's no point in worrying about it now. It's changed my life for the better, so much that I'm seriously considering getting another implant in my other ear.

Now I'm off to do some interesting reading about Audism.....

deaf: a word to categorise a deaf person who does not participate in cultural events within a sign language community. Generally these people have a spoken language as their "mother tongue" and do not use sign language on a regular basis.

Deaf: a word to categorise a culturally deaf person, who use a sign language on a regular basis and they generally participate in cultural events within a sign language community. Generally these people have a sign language as their "mother tongue".

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Saturday, May 05, 2007

A Goldmine of Sorts

While I'm recovering from recent surgery (which is why I haven't been going out and socialising lately), I took the opportunity to do some research on the Internet about Hearing Impairment/Deafness (whatever the fuck you want to call it) and socialising with hearing people.

Well good 'ol Google had dusted off this paper which personally made my jaw hit the floor and reading it had surfaced some emotions that I had buried deep within myself. The last time these emotions had surfaced was when I was in high school, and periodically while I was growing up.

This paper explored the effects of how well a deaf person can socialise in a hearing environment, level of education etc after receiving a mainstream education. A lot of what was written in this paper had matched my own personal experiences while I was growing up. So reading it had brought a lot of old memories and re-opened some old wounds that I thought was long gone. Hence the emotions which bubbled to the surface. By reading a different perspective on certain issues surrounding mainstream education, it has equipped me with a better understanding of the education I had received.

If you are a deaf/hearing impaired person who had received a mainstream education, I cannot emphasise how important this paper is. I strongly urge you to read this paper as it will provide a valuable insight into the issues of deaf education. Unfortunately the author of this paper had only used one person as a case study for his conclusions on mainstream education for deaf people.

The paper is in pdf format, so you will need the Adobe Reader to be able to view it.

Click here to read the paper I found.

Sunday, April 15, 2007


Ok.. I'm going to reveal a particular weakness of mine.

It's Guinness, those who know me personally will know about my fascination with the black stuff. It's strictly reserved for special occasions and when I feel like it.

The reason for the post today is this article!


I say it again!


Guinness is actually good for the cardiovascular system ? In moderate doses of course. But the antioxidant compounds found in the drink is a welcome surprise.

he he he he.. I think I'll have a pint this week, it's been too long since I had one.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Graduation and a little navel gazing

That day has finally arrived, I had considered not to write a self-congratulatory post but ahhh fuck it! I want to.

I will be graduating from Uni tomorrow with a Masters degree, it had been something I wanted to do for a long time. My original reason was to show off in an attempt to appear superior to other people. However the past few years had changed me a great deal.

Without going into detail, my reasons for getting the degree had changed and had come to the realisation that I did it for myself. Not to show it off, not to brag about it (a little ironic writing about it in my blog), not to rub it into other people's noses.

It was for myself, and it was also in hope that it will open up new opportunities on the job front.

My mother's death had sort of put some aspects of my life into perspective and made me realise that getting this degree now is of little importance. I realised that I'm shit at forming relationships with people, even friendships.

So, my new goal is to work on a different kind of degree, to learn about people & socialising. Something I've neglected to learn over the years while hunched over the keyboard and staring in front of a computer monitor.

Here's hoping...

Sunday, March 04, 2007


How can a bloody flu knock me out for a few days???

Monday morning.. went to the gym. It was an attempt to get back into the routine of getting up early and exercise at the gym. I've slacked off over the past 4 months starting with my Mother's death last year.
So far so good.. it was a good session and was looking forward to the next one.

Tuesday evening.. played indoor soccer. I've been experimenting with my diet to see how it will affect my performance during the game. It matters... ALOT!! I've dramatically cut down on drinking softdrink and sticking to water. Especially the day before and hours before the game. Topping up on water seemed to keep my body hydrated during the game so I'll continue this habit.

Wednesday.. I was absolute shit house!!! I was aching from Monday's work out and was tired from playing soccer late on Tuesday evening. To top it all off.. a few people at my work took the afternoon off sick.
EDIT:Discovered that 16 people had caught the flu and had taken at least one sickie.

No amount of praying or bribing with the God's would prevent me from catching the flu. Alas towards the end of the day I was so drowsy I took off as well and as soon as I got home I went to bed.

During the night it was apparent I had a fever. The kind of fever that makes you hallucinate and acquire a long lost art of speaking in tounges. Throughout the night I kept hearing organ music, the kind you occasionally hear in churches and I had this strange feeling that my brain was being defraged!!!

The best way I can describe this experience is to imagine you are shuffling through a huge pile of photographs and a fan blows the photographs everywhere as if they were paper.

Weird I know!! Thankfully the fever broke early Thursday morning and took the day off. Spent the day sleeping in and nursing a hacking cough.

Now it's Sunday and I've recovered (still not 100% though), hopefully the phlegm in my throat will disappear soon.

So folks.. let this post serve as a warning to everyone.. GET A FLU SHOT!!! Trust me it'll be worth it next time you catch the flu.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


The other day I was reading the smh blogs during my lunch hour and one word had cropped up a few times had intrigued me.


It's a German word for "taking pleasure in someone else's misfortune", I find it rather curious that there is no English equivalent word for this expression.

Why are you talking about Shadenfruede slakbarsted ? I hear you ask ?

Sam de Brito has written a blog entry about heists. He briefly talked about a robbery at the Panthers Leagues Club in 1991.

I remember that robbery. My whole family were ecstatic about Panthers winning the Grand Final that day seeing how we lived locally, I remember people pouring out on the streets throwing paper streams at passing cars cheering and cars tooting wildly at pedestrians to celebrate the win. Everyone seemed happy about the good fortune bestowed on the town... because the football team had tried several times to win a grand final. So Panther supporters were over the moon about the long awaited win..

Well almost everyone was pleased.... I wasn't. I was disappointed that Panther's had won the Grand Final. I was not a Panther's supporter, everyone else in my Family supported the team. I've no idea why I took pleasure in seeing that disappointed look on a Panther's supporter's face. Dunno.. perhaps there is some weird psychological reason for this.

When I heard about the robbery the next day I secretly harboured schadenfreuden feelings at their demise. he he he he..

hence the post about schadenfreuden... I'm currently struggling to recall the correct pronunciation.. it will be a while before I can remember how it is done.

Monday, February 12, 2007

*taps foot*

I know I know..... I'm guilty of neglecting my blog again! Your worship, honest I've nuthin on my mind at the moment.. I've been owt an about not getting up to any good.
Just wastin me brain on some good stuff... like V an.. an and coke like.

What? What your worship what was that ? Me behind on the rent ? oh no no no it nowt like that.. honest! You see this blog is rent free innit ? it's all in the fuckin' contract.. errr I mean it's all in the contract your worship. Sorry your worship I missed me fix today.. you see no one would loan me money for a bus fare to see you today. I need to save me money for this operation you see.

The ol' doc says I got some stones inside me... and they need takin' owt. Well I can't hardly take it owt meself can I ? Me not properly qualified to do that sort! *wipe nose on sleeve* 'Scuse me your worship.. if I promise to update this blog more often you'll go easy on me yeah ?

What? What your worship what was that again ? a warning ? a stoopid warning for what for fucks sake ?? go and get your own sodding tea then!! for fucks sake this is a fucking wind up.. you all are fucking winding me up!! this is not nice!


Sorry I couldn't help my myself.. I had just finished watching an episode of "Shamless" on SBS tonight. It's hilarious, what a crazy bunch of characters they have on this show. I'll talk more about this show some other time.

I've been seeing a few more films lately.. over the weekend I saw the "Inconvenient Truth" and "Blues Brothers". I love the Blues Brothers.... without further ado.. here's a treat for those blues fans.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Attention may I have a few moments of your time

*Stands on a rather dusty soapbox and tapping the microphone*

Thank you, I thought I'll begin tonight to discuss a scourge that is affecting the Internet today.  Spam!! That's right although I use gmail for my personal email and their spam filtering technology works well.  Unfortunately tonight I've received some unsolicited email in my personal mailbox.  Big deal I hear you say, BIG FUCKING DEAL, well my fellow Internet users, I clearly recall that I did not subscribe to this company's pathetic marketing spiel *opps* I meant to say "newsletter".

As a result I've contacted ACMA, Australian Conmunications and Media Authority.  They have a very handy website giving the reader an introduction to spam/junk e-mail and some useful instructions to report spammers who operate in Australia.
Unfortunately for this spammer it is an Australian business operating in Australia and I've sent the details of the email to ACMA.

I don't know about you folks out there, but it gives me this warm fuzzy feeling and smug satisfaction dobbing them in.

For those of you who are not familiar with the law, here are the relevant links to the spam legislation.

Ok.. that will be enough education material tonight fellow Internet Users..

*Packs the microphone inside the dusty soapbox and whips out a brown paper bag to frantically breath in and out to prevent hyperventilation*

Monday, January 15, 2007

I solemly swear to update my blog more often.. (honest)

I've found some good entertainment during my lunch hour today. Fantastic satire of those bloody "Current Affairs" tv shows and talkback radio programs.

Read it yourself here and don't forget to pay attention to the comments some of them are hilarious.

Well I'm back to playing soccer again after a six month hiatus! But it's indoor soccer, which in itself a whole different ball game altogether. It's much more fast paced compared to playing the outdoor version of the game. This suits me just fine as I was looking for something to do as a cardio work out as part of my fitness regime. The field itself is quite small.. about the size of a 25 meter swimming pool, with nets around the boundaries (even the roof) to keep the ball from going walkabout. Each half is 12 minutes long, this is long enough.. trust me. After all you are running around frantically trying to trap the ball and strategically pass the ball to your team mates.

That said.. I love it and will continue to play it for the next 9/10 weeks..

Sunday, January 14, 2007


Well this weekend was quite eventful for me, catching up with a small crowd of people from the Sam and the City blogs on Friday night. Then to catch up with a good close friend of mine on Saturday.

Sunday just slept in and played Hitman.. I fell in love with one of the songs from the game's soundtrack... you can see/hear for your self on you tube.. here

now the long trek in cyberspace begins to obtain myself a copy of the music....

stay tuned!!