Monday, January 29, 2007

Attention may I have a few moments of your time

*Stands on a rather dusty soapbox and tapping the microphone*

Thank you, I thought I'll begin tonight to discuss a scourge that is affecting the Internet today.  Spam!! That's right although I use gmail for my personal email and their spam filtering technology works well.  Unfortunately tonight I've received some unsolicited email in my personal mailbox.  Big deal I hear you say, BIG FUCKING DEAL, well my fellow Internet users, I clearly recall that I did not subscribe to this company's pathetic marketing spiel *opps* I meant to say "newsletter".

As a result I've contacted ACMA, Australian Conmunications and Media Authority.  They have a very handy website giving the reader an introduction to spam/junk e-mail and some useful instructions to report spammers who operate in Australia.
Unfortunately for this spammer it is an Australian business operating in Australia and I've sent the details of the email to ACMA.

I don't know about you folks out there, but it gives me this warm fuzzy feeling and smug satisfaction dobbing them in.

For those of you who are not familiar with the law, here are the relevant links to the spam legislation.

Ok.. that will be enough education material tonight fellow Internet Users..

*Packs the microphone inside the dusty soapbox and whips out a brown paper bag to frantically breath in and out to prevent hyperventilation*

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