Saturday, April 08, 2006

Life keeps getting in the way

Sigh!! It does creep on you sometimes those interruptions in your life that are barriers to doing what you really want to do. Uni is ok for the time being, it is doable and I have one assignment to complete during the Easter break. So when I finally hand in my work it will have hot cross bun stains on the paper :) with a smidgen of chocolate as well. No doubt my lecturer will love the Pro Hart style assignment submission and he will award me additional marks for originality :)

To complete my degree I need to do a project unit next semester and I'm fucked!!! Not proper fucked mind you (I wish), fucked in the sense that I'm screwed. Not proper screwed mind you (I wish) but screwed in the sense that I'm stuffed. I have no idea what I'm going to do for the project and my mind is not working at the moment The last thing I want to do is another boring programming assignment/project. I've come to realise that lately I'm not finding any enjoyment in doing technical work in the IT industry at the moment.

My workplace at the moment has become highly politicised, in the negative sense, it is literally swimming with sharks. People are watching exactly what they say incase in will be used against them. There is genuine fear amongst my colleagues for their careers and they always minimise contact with our clients. My colleagues are acutely aware that our masters (Health Technology our clients) are increasingly hard to please. Given half a chance our masters will shit on us for anything that goes wrong and they will not hesitate to place the blame on us even if it wasn't our fault. There is one guy who works for HT (I will not specify his name, so let's call him Gary), Gary is frequently caught between a rock and hard place. He is under constant pressure from his manager to do unethical things regardless of whether or not such requests have gone through the proper channels. It is quite sad to see him caught up in this game because he really does have a lot of potential and talent.
Gary's manager is clearly a political shark, spewing a shit load of management speak (a little bit like the incompetent manager from the UK TV show "The Office") and he doesn't have a shred of integrity whatsoever. I feel that he views my team as the enemy and he would be all smiles whenever talks to us.

Lately I get the feeling that Gary is eavesdropping on my team's conversations and sometimes he does clearly intrude on what is considered to be a private conversation amongst ourselves. In the latest instance, my project manager had asked me a favour to hang on to some documentation for a project that will start soon (which doesn't involve HT), not long after Gary will get up from his desk and "hover" for a few minutes before jumping into the conversation between my Project Manager and I. Sprouting some bullshit that clearly has no relevance to the conversation that I was having with my Project Manager. I suspect he was trying to figure out what the project is about and will report this info to his manager. Maybe I'm just being paraniod.

Fuck!!! I really hate playing these fucking political games with sharks, I don't trust Gary at all and I trust Health Technology even less that I would trust Gary.

Well this blog is really about a place for me to vent and rant so I'm not going to apologise for anything I've written. Everything here is my viewpoint and the events that had transpired is from my perspective.

Oh and Tony, you really need to make your own contribution to YouTube, Australia needs their artists to keep our culture afloat more than ever right now.

See ya, until the next time something else that pisses me off...


radio666fm said...

Babe, I would do my own contribution to Aussie Arts... except I still haven't fixed my desktop, summat is terribly wrong with XP [fucked OS].... I'm gonna see if I can sort this easter... anyway, mebbe it's time u started thinking abt this business of yours? I spoke to a freind the other day about an Eat/Drink and Entertainment business [complete with a whorehouse and, seriously]..meanwhile watch what u say abt work on these pages...

radio666fm said...

Oh and one mo' thing... you can write when you put your mind to it! So keep blogging.