Tuesday, December 05, 2006


I'm really glad to see the end of October and November those months would have to be worst two months of my entire life to date. Combine the end of semester rush and my mother's ill health had made things nearly impossible. My exam preparations were affected due to mum hanging on while she was in the pallative care ward in hospital.

All I can say now is Phew!! It's all over now... I can concentrate on moving on and spending a bit of time to recharge. So I'm having a little time off work following the death of my mother last week, just to tie up a few loose ends.

As sad as the whole thing is... life goes on doesn't it ?

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Another AWOL...

Folks.. I'll be offline for a while..

some of you may have read a previous post about my mother who is terminally ill. Unfortunately she is now in a pallative care ward in hospital. After a week and a bit she is still hanging on and it's not a pleasant experience at all.

I've got this fucking exam tomorrow, after that I'm heading straight back to the hospital to spend time with Mum.


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

On another note....

Ahhhh... there is finally a light at the end of the tunnel... only two more weeks until I finally finish Uni for good... will receive my piece of paper next year and I'm really looking forward to having a lot more time on my hands.

Just gotta write up my report for my project conduct a presentation then cross my fingers and hope to die that I'll pass.  Oh and do an exam.. it's funny that I'm actually looking forward to this exam because it's in the morning and I'm going to try and get that whole day off work so I can go silly for the rest of the day just to celebrate.

well it's time to sign off..... bye for now


That's right folks... I'll be supporting this event by growing a moustache in an attempt to raise money for men's health.
For all the gory details go to the Movember website and find out !!

For those of you who would like a photo of my moustache at the end of this month you can sponser me at


and quote my rego number 18143 when making your payment.. All donations of $2 and over are tax deductible (in Australia only sorry folks). The money will be used to change the face of men's health by creating awareness and funding research into prostate cancer and male depression.

It's about time I say.. finally some Men's issues are being taken seriously and I'm getting off me but to do something about it.

Let's see how I go eh ???

Sunday, October 08, 2006

You reap what you sow.

OK... I'm going to submit some stupid pop psychology here.. my 2c heck no make that 1c...

I will never understand why IT professionals (males in particular) are ranked so low on the social totem pole... along with the engineers who produce useful stuff that people use everyday yet they are under appreciated.

In my mind the following people are ranked from the highest to lowest...

A graded celebrities
B graded celebrities
Professional sports people
rich people
executives of public companies
people with the word "manager" in their job title
business owners
real estate agents
taxi drivers
IT professionals
unemployed people.

This is how I feel at the moment... why must I justify my reasons for being employed in the IT sector ????? it sucks really.

at the moment I seriously thinking about abandoning my masters degree.. I'm not sure if it's worth it really.  I should concentrate on my efforts in climbing the social totem pole.

Due to my mother's terminal illness I've realised that some things in life are just not worth pursuing.. and that how far down the social totem pole I am at the moment.  I've also realised that allot of people really hate my guts.. my interpreters don't really like me.. oh well.. at least they're polite and pretend to be nice to me.  It's too bad because one of the interpreters is cute and I'm attracted to her... it will never happen because ...

a. she prefers on of the lecturer over me
b. she will not consider me because of professional ethics
c. she personally doesn't like me.

I know I know I know.. this is a victim puke... and I know I'm to blame for this sorry state of affairs.

You know not once in my life someone has rang me up to just to say how I'm going etc etc.. you know the usual chit chat.  It's never happened.. and often I wonder why that is the case.  Perhaps it's because I'm real arsehole to heart or that I'm completely clueless in how to maintain personal relationships.

Even my own mother would rather spend time with her friends that with me... you see I was asked to look after her over the long weekend due to her terminal illness she is unable to look after herself.  Now all of my older siblings have gone on some well deserved holidays over long weekend and it was left to me to look after mum.  What did mum do ??? she preferred to spend time with her friends.  FUCK !!!!

Now I can easily rationalise this as a communication fuck up, no one told her (myself included) that I was supposed to look after her.  As a result... I'm feeling like this useless piece of shit who can't even look after his own mother.

I spoke to my mother last friday and told her that I was feeling useless... this was after she asked me if I would consider be present in a meeting to help plan her funeral.  Now this really fucked me up for the whole weekend.  Imagine helping plan for your mother's funeral while she is still alive... I can't concentrate on uni work at the moment because of this.  I wish I could take some time of to deal with this but I can't.

I've come to the realisation that I don't really know how to maintain relationships.. no one really taught me how to do it.  or rather I'm too lazy to learn how do it.

I recall a phone conversation with my sister a few weeks ago... after she visited mum while she was in hospital she thought she would not keep me in the loop because I had not called to ask after mum's welfare.. for a start no one told me that she was in hospital and no one told me how serious it was at the time.  She rang me one night to tell me the news... she told me that "I don't call my family to find out what is going on.. but then again they don't call me either".. it's a really shitty situation at the moment.  I think my sister understands slightly of what is going on.... it wasn't until she got back from England that she realised how distant I was from the family.  To be honest.. she was the only one who really made the effort to ask me how I was going etc etc etc...

Now you readers are going to kick my balls for saying this...............
I've learnt allot from this TV show called "My name is Earl".. it's about this guy to aspires to be a better person because of Karma.. basically he reasons that his life will be better if he starts helping other people out. Kinda like a covert contract really.  Well it's a fucking tv show..  but still it has a message behind it...

"you reap what you sow" is true really...

Another realisation is that I honestly believe that I'm not attractive to women.  For the following reasons...

1. I'm too short
2. I'm profoundly deaf (to be honest yes it does matter)
3. I'm boring
4. I have no personality at all
5. I'm completely fucked up..

yep... it's really nice to a slakbarsted aint it ??

Sunday, August 06, 2006

My poor neglected blog needs some TLC!!

hmmm now that I'm back at Uni, settling down into my new job life is suddenly going to get alot busier. I've got to think of a project to finish off my degree and I'm stumped at the moment. So I must rack my brains for something interesting to do.

After receiving a taste of what my new job is like, I've started realise that it has been a long time since I did anything fun with my skills in software development. It's also nice being a newbie again, it provides me a good excuse for stuffing things up and to play around with things a bit.

So.. I'll be moving again.. this time into a bigger place with more room to put some of my things.. one good thing about the new place is that it's within walking distance to a westfield shopping centre and the gym.

At the moment I'm having fun meeting new people I've meet through the Sam and the City blogs, there are some very interesting people who hang around there.

Now let's see if this update actually works...

Monday, July 03, 2006

Playing Catch up...

Now that July is here, it's time to catch up with some long lost friends and renew some old acquaintances.  It's a shame that one of my friends will be visiting Canada to visit his family over there for the entire month.  That's ok.. I'll catch up with him later this year, after all I've promised to shout him a beer :)

I went to a party over the weekend with a friend of mine and it was good to see him.  It was the first deaf social event I've attended in almost a year!!! This time it was less stressfull and I had a good time meeting some new people.  Many thanks to my dirtsurfer friend for showing off his car, I forgotten how much fun it is to ride a convertible car.

For those of you who don't know, I'll be leaving Fujitsu at the end of July to take up another opportunity with another company named IGT (International Gaming Technologies, they make gaming machines & poker machines).  I'll be a Software Engineer for the new company, hopefully this will translate into a good career move for me in the long run.

Let's hope France will crush those lucky Italians in the soccer world cup.  I believe that the Italians don't deserve to be where they are now in the World Cup.  Here's hoping that Karma shall allow the French team to crush them.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The Ladder Theory (tm)(c) ...

This is fucking hilarious...  check out The Ladder Theory, it's difficult to tell if this is satire or if it's a legit psychological theory (but not widely accepted).  Although alot of the material in this site would suggest that it is satire but hey... there's a part of me that thinks it's plausible.

I've known about this site for a while, and the main reason why I've put the link here is to help a friend out.  Dude I hope you read this site for your sanity's sake!!

Now.. I've stocked up the red bull for Friday Morning's clash with the socceroos vs croatia... we will crush them.

Monday, June 19, 2006


Ok.. it's official.. we've been humbled by the world's top soccer team... Brazil.

** Sniff **

** Sniff **

Still it would have been nice to score a goal at least.

I'm off to bed to catch up on some sleep

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Soccer Madness

Hmmm I'll be a nervous wreck on Monday morning when Australia will play against Brazil.... it will not be easy.. and judging by the socceroos past performance (when they played against Japan), the Australian's tend to start slow then fire up in the last ten minutes of the game.
I hope I won't grow some white hairs at the end of this game.

So... I'll be making a few preparations for Monday morning..

Red Bull to keep me awake at 4am... check !
Some beer to comfort me if the Socceroos lose... check !
A small flag to be hoisted on my car to show my support for the Australian team while I'm driving my car... check !
A phone number of a highly respected sports pychologist for Viduka if he ever chokes on us again!!! .. check !
All of my tips have been entered for round 3 for the tipping competition... check !

Awww bugger that! This is too much work.. I'll just go to bed early then wake up in time to watch the game..

hooroo folks!!

Sunday, May 28, 2006

The benefits of going AWOL :)

Hmmmm I've been rather naughty lately.. neglecting my friends and family. The past few weeks have been extremely hectic and as a result I've gone AWOL.

Using Red Bull to fuel my vegative state, throughout the entire week I've been just lurching from one activity to another, work, driving, attending lectures, sleeping, and to be honest I'm surprised my work colleagues have not mentioned my red bloodshot eyes. I'm certain that someone, somewhere is pulling my strings, making me do these things, like my very own puppet master in charge of my destiny.

Hmmm maybe I've taken another step into cuckoo land ?? Perhaps.. I just hope this stage of AWOL'ness will not last. I'm really looking forward to July, as it will be a good opportunity to catch up on some long lost friends and spend more time at the gym pumping up my muscles :)

Alas.. I've nothing to rant about at the moment, it seems that my master wishes me not to say anything at this stage. I can almost feel him twitching the strings that allow me to move my fingers across the keyboard as I'm typing this post.

Weird huh ??

Sunday, April 30, 2006

Oh for Fuck Sake !!!

After reading Tony's blog about the ongoing cultural battle with titles such as Deaf, Hearing Impaired, Undeaf etc... It really breaks my heart!!!

I would be categorised into the Hearing Impairment group, neither belonging to the Deaf or Hearing community. Just as I was writing this comment, I reminded myself of a conversation I had a few years ago with an Auslan Interpreter who introduced herself. She had asked me "What am I ?" meaning to ask if I was "Deaf" or "Hearing Impaired'. I replied that I was sitting on top of a fence as an observer, still deciding which side of the fence has greener grass.

After realising that I could not overcome the cultural barriers to become part of the Deaf community and due to the fact that I now have a Cochlear Implant, I opted to hop off the fence and stick with the Hearing Community. There is no doubt that the implant had assisted my ability to mix with the Hearing community, it also had allowed me to discover some of the joys of being "Hearing". I must emphasis that the implant itself is just a more advanced piece of technology compared to the conventional hearing aid. It is just that, a hearing aid. Full stop !!!

Back to my monologue about this ridiculous business of the word "Undeaf", it does not do anyone any favours nor does it help clear up any misconceptions of what people might have on the Hearing Impaired. Although I applaud MM's intention, which is to try and minimise discrimination against HI people from the "Deaf" community. Personally I don't give a shit, the "Deaf" community feels threatened at the moment. So they're doing what is natural to them, what any minority community would do when they're feeling threatened. They start excluding people who don't fit the ideal profile of a member of their community. I believe the main reason why this practice exist is because they are hoping to bolster their numbers of "pure" members and would not consider polluting their community of people who are "Half brood" to ensure the survival of their culture/community.

This kind of discrimination exists in hearing communities as well, they make up hurtful labels to try and push them away. Terms like "Coconut" (to describe a black person mingling with the white community) and "Banana" (to describe an Asian person mingling with the Anglo-Saxon community) are such examples. Let us not forget what happened during WW2, and what happened in Kosovo during the 1990's

In a nutshell, you are not going to completely eradicate these behaviours, like it not, it is part of human nature.

ok.. I'll stop ranting now..

Saturday, April 22, 2006


You Are 48% Evil

You are evil, but you haven't yet mastered the dark side.

Fear not though - you are on your way to world domination.

Saturday, April 08, 2006

Life keeps getting in the way

Sigh!! It does creep on you sometimes those interruptions in your life that are barriers to doing what you really want to do. Uni is ok for the time being, it is doable and I have one assignment to complete during the Easter break. So when I finally hand in my work it will have hot cross bun stains on the paper :) with a smidgen of chocolate as well. No doubt my lecturer will love the Pro Hart style assignment submission and he will award me additional marks for originality :)

To complete my degree I need to do a project unit next semester and I'm fucked!!! Not proper fucked mind you (I wish), fucked in the sense that I'm screwed. Not proper screwed mind you (I wish) but screwed in the sense that I'm stuffed. I have no idea what I'm going to do for the project and my mind is not working at the moment The last thing I want to do is another boring programming assignment/project. I've come to realise that lately I'm not finding any enjoyment in doing technical work in the IT industry at the moment.

My workplace at the moment has become highly politicised, in the negative sense, it is literally swimming with sharks. People are watching exactly what they say incase in will be used against them. There is genuine fear amongst my colleagues for their careers and they always minimise contact with our clients. My colleagues are acutely aware that our masters (Health Technology our clients) are increasingly hard to please. Given half a chance our masters will shit on us for anything that goes wrong and they will not hesitate to place the blame on us even if it wasn't our fault. There is one guy who works for HT (I will not specify his name, so let's call him Gary), Gary is frequently caught between a rock and hard place. He is under constant pressure from his manager to do unethical things regardless of whether or not such requests have gone through the proper channels. It is quite sad to see him caught up in this game because he really does have a lot of potential and talent.
Gary's manager is clearly a political shark, spewing a shit load of management speak (a little bit like the incompetent manager from the UK TV show "The Office") and he doesn't have a shred of integrity whatsoever. I feel that he views my team as the enemy and he would be all smiles whenever talks to us.

Lately I get the feeling that Gary is eavesdropping on my team's conversations and sometimes he does clearly intrude on what is considered to be a private conversation amongst ourselves. In the latest instance, my project manager had asked me a favour to hang on to some documentation for a project that will start soon (which doesn't involve HT), not long after Gary will get up from his desk and "hover" for a few minutes before jumping into the conversation between my Project Manager and I. Sprouting some bullshit that clearly has no relevance to the conversation that I was having with my Project Manager. I suspect he was trying to figure out what the project is about and will report this info to his manager. Maybe I'm just being paraniod.

Fuck!!! I really hate playing these fucking political games with sharks, I don't trust Gary at all and I trust Health Technology even less that I would trust Gary.

Well this blog is really about a place for me to vent and rant so I'm not going to apologise for anything I've written. Everything here is my viewpoint and the events that had transpired is from my perspective.

Oh and Tony, you really need to make your own contribution to YouTube, Australia needs their artists to keep our culture afloat more than ever right now.

See ya, until the next time something else that pisses me off...

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

I'm not telling ya !!

Tony had recently asked me to reveal some details about my misadventures on the dance floor a few weeks ago. I had mentioned in my previous post that I got "slaughtered" that weekend. Well sorry Tony, that experience is still too fresh in my mind and not to mention too embarrassing to reveal what happened just yet. No I didn't pick up a fatty or a princess, the women at the venue simply decided that I wasn't charming enough so, no action :)

Now I'm going to take advantage of my time now to get started on some assignments for Uni...

soooooo.... hooroo folks (for a little while)

Friday, March 17, 2006

An update of sorts...

Ahhhhh the joys of being a Uni student, you get to learn a little bit and I do enjoy the campus scenery ;) I just wish I had my widsom when I was an undergraduate... I would have enjoyed Uni alot more, oh well it's true when they say "To be old and wise, you need to be young and stupid first."

Anyway... I've found something new to entertain myself while I'm at work for those slow days... "Sam and the City" blogs on the smh website. View it here. I've learnt alot about how Men seem to generalise Sydney women as "unapproachable", "materialistic", "disloyal" etc.. basically they would aspire to be the next Paris Hilton. I agree with the "unapproachable" bit, however the other descriptions really are just vicious ramblings. In general Women seem to generalise Sydney men as "immature", "commitment phobic", "shallow" (in the sense they always go for the Paris Hilton types) and that Sydney men always ignore the "well educated, highly paid, good looking" women.

Why I hear you ask, do I agree with the unapproachable trait among Sydney women, well it may have something to do with the fact I got slaughtered on the dance floor last weekend ;)

Anyway.. I've learnt a new term I've not heard before, maybe it's just that I'm a little out of touch or due to my hearing impairment or summat.... "Cougars", is a term to describe a well off attractive woman in her late 30s to early 50s who date young men only. Hmmmm... apparently there is alot to learn about dating in Sydney...

Fark.. I've run out of things to say.. I'll write again soon when my brain is not running on Vodka and Red Bull.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Some comic relief

While I was surfing the net for info about mobile phones and how to appeal against a parking fine, I came across this site that has some comic strips. One of my favourites is shown below, I like the author's sense of humour.

The only thing interesting to report is that I'm starting Uni again this week and I'm looking forward to learning new stuff.

For now.. enjoy the comic strips.

Cyanide and Happiness, a daily webcomic
Cyanide & Happiness @ Explosm.net

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Those ****ing ads in my comments

It would appear that some ads have crept into the comments section of my latest post, some weirdo named scott something had decided to see fit to foul up my blog without my permission. They have now been removed and subsequently I've added a link to a site that will set you straight about the truth on "Network Marketing" etc etc.. and another with a link to some info about scams in various forms.

Those people who are part of those cults are nothing more than confidence tricksters, in fact they don't even show you the basics of business. Anyway, most of these schemes are illegal in Australia anyway... however some do slip through the cracks and unleash themselves on the unsuspecting public.

One thing that troubles me is the ethics & morals and the relationship cost of running such a scam. It is a VERY easy way of losing your friends and family. One of the things they would do is get you throw a sales pitch at people you know in an attempt to hook them into this scheme. This kind of thing makes me very uncomfortable, contacting friends and long lost acquaintances under false pretence for the purpose of selling something or getting them to join the cult.

I'm not speaking from experience as I've never been involved in these schemes, however after Googling for info about these scams and cults it does make sobering reading.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The adventures of getting slick broadband

Folks, you may or may not be aware that over the weekend I had helped my friend Tony to upgrade his internet access from the ancient, obsolete 56K dialup (yes dialup... shudder) to the newer slick ADSL broadband.

The morning had started out well, the sun was shining and it was warm, which made the drive to his house rather pleasant. However nothing in my entire life had prepared me for what transpired on that day.

I drove into his driveway, locked the car and rang his doorbell. Shit silly me ringing the bloody doorbell to rouse a deaf man from his slumber is really a stupid idea. So I had to bang, rattle the door and whine in a pathetic manner until Tony finally opened the door to let me in. There he was, the famous Tony in full glory, I tried not to notice him scratching his arse out of politeness and he ushered me into his inner sanctum, the study.

After Tony had explained what he wanted me to help him out with, he had purchased some hardware to get the whole thing setup. A wireless access point, router and adsl modem rolled into a single box. Ideally he wanted to use the wireless network on his laptop so he could use the internet/work and watch TV at the same time, and his desktop would be hooked up to the router. Oh I almost forgot, he had also purchased a webcam (I wonder what for, posting naked pictures of himself on the internet maybe ??) He later explained that he was inspired by JG Jones' vlogs and wanted to post a few of his own on the net.

After a few mishaps with the setup of the wireless router, the broadband setup went smoothly, I couldn't fucken believe it. Nothing is meant to go that smoothly, you see in the IT industry you always expect the worse to happen and the worse fucken time. Believe me it's like one of those little "laws" that never get written down because everyone knows about it, such as "You spend all day waiting for a bus, and three of them turn up at the same time." or "All banks can legally screw their customers".. that type of thing. No sooner than we had experience bliss at the ease of setting up the broadband internet, the wireless router station was fucking up. Like I said, shit happens at the worse possible time just to make it bloody inconvenient as possible too. I felt like throwing the fucking wireless router out the window, but since the adsl modem was inside it I couldn't do it.

However Tony was over the moon about the download speeds he was getting while surfing the net, he was positively drooling at the prospect of downloading shit loads of porn. His exact words were "My dick will be alot longer by the end of the week". As to how will he achieve that is best left to your imagination. My response ?? It was the appropriate time to let him know about the sex fairy.

Remember when we were kids we had all kinds of mythical creatures to believe in. The Easter bunny, tooth fairy, Santa Claus etc.. and when we had learnt the truth (that they don't exist), the magic had evaporated ? Well in this day and age, we adults need something else to believe in to keep that magic alive, the sex fairy.
Just leave a condom (an un-used one mind you) under your pillow and leave a bottle of wet stuff on the side of your bed for the sex fairy. Hopefully in the next few days you might get lucky.

Well Tony was slightly amused about the sex fairy and I seem to recall a glimmer of hope in his eyes. I could be wrong you know.
(I cant remember the EXACT sequence of events), somehow we started accusing eachother of being senile. Well short of helping him going to the toilet, I had to hold his hand showing him how to setup the wireless router, setup the webcam before he could do it himself.

Anyway I had a great time at this new restaurant Tony took me to for lunch, great food and it was great to yak the afternoon away. Tony is a great friend and it is always a pleasure to visit him as I look forward to his stories.

Stay tuned to Tony's blog as I had made a short video of me introducing myself he might post it sometime in the future.

bye for now..

Disclaimer: All events reported in this post has been dramatised for the purpose of making the post interesting as possible, some people may find the contents of this post offensive.

Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Parking ??? WTF

Toe-knee, to tell you the truth, like a good christian I am, I was totally shocked to learn that phrase. Parking!!
There are much nicer things to talk about than idolising Mr Sheen !! Really, I better go and tell dear Sister Taffy Crockett, to see what she has to say....

Better yet, I might ask Father Bob on Speaking in Tongues !! I reckon John would love this bit.

btw thx for the blog firefox extension tip... I've actually created this blog entry with that tool, it's Fucken Brilliant.

Friday, January 27, 2006

Nice Guys....

If you read the comments from my post about Crime and Punishment, Tony had advised me not to pay attention to the moral & ethical teachings from Catholic School. Well mate, it's a bit late now!!
I wish I had you around at the time telling me "Slakbarsted, don't pay attention to that bloody sister at School. Here have $20 for you to go down to the local TAB and bet on the greyhounds. Don't forget to give me 50% of any profits"

I can assure you that due to my hearing loss I had the perfect excuse for not paying attention to those lessons in School. In fact I consider myself lucky in having to avoid morning prayers, to tell you the truth most of my classmates envied me in missing out those prayers.

However it was difficult if not impossible, not to turn out as a nice guy as a result of this type of Schooling. I did come out of School as a nice guy, destined to wander in the wilderness of no sex land. I had a warped sense of mascuilinity and of course had no idea on how to get a root.
Fortunately, after discovering that "No more Mr Nice Guy" website (see the links section), I can set myself on the right path.

I hope that will answer your question Tony... btw that pic of me on your blog is higly overrated, it's missing a third nipple, bigger belly and fyi, my legs are shaved.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Crime and Punishment

My dear readers, I would like to share a good book with you although I've not finished the book yet. (It's only 656 pages long, a little light reading for those lazy summer days :P)

It's called "Crime and Punishment" by Fyodor Dostoyevsky (No I can't read a bloody word of Russian, the book has been translated into English)

When the main character kills two women, one premeditated and one in the heat of the moment, totally unplanned. I'm barely a quarter a way through the book and he is already battling his conscience.

But it got me thinking whether or not there is such a thing named "conscience" or is it a socially learnt behaviour ? When I was at Catholic school I was taught that stealing is wrong and that I would expected to be caught, NO MATTER WHAT.
So I decided to test this little theory out by stealing a pen from one of those cheapie $2 shops when I was 10. As I tucked that pen in my pocket, sure enough, those voices had started to drive me nuts.

"What the fuck are you doing ? Don't you know that you will be caught, remember what the sister said at School. Oh shit, you might as well as go to hell now you sinner !!!!"

At the same time I was desperately trying to calm myself down.

"Be cool, don't do anything out of the ordinary, just walk outside the shop and wait for mum"

Despite that schizophrenic threatening episode, my heart was thumping like a turbo charged WRX and my eyes were wide like an owl on the lookout for the security guard waiting to pounce on me to accuse me of theft. I just followed my mother outside the shop as she didn't buy anything.

Fuck me!!

It wasn't until I realised I had got away with it and the threat of being caught had eased that my thoughts were finally brought under my control.

Interesting !!

I wonder if the whole episode had been played out differently if I hadn't been taught that stealing is wrong and the possible consequences of committing it. Hmmmmmm... this train of thought can keep me going for a little while..

In the mean time.. please feel free to discuss this...

Monday, January 16, 2006

Lord of the Flies

Don't ask me how this got started, it just happened over this weekend when my flat had become infested with flies. Bloody Flies !!! My flatmate had used some Aeroguard since we didn't have any flyspray to blast them to kingdom come.

I didn't bother to count how many had conveniently lay themselves in the empty bath tub to die, with their trademark leg twitching while dying on their backs. I don't need to remind you, my dear reader, what an abomination this was. Soon the bathroom had resembled some kind of battle ground with flies littered around the window pane and bath tub. With the occasional smart arse buzzing around taunting my failure to kill them off.

Satisfied that I had dispatched the remaining infidels in the bathroom, I made my way into the lounge room and took one look at the north facing window to discover that they had called for reinforcements!!


More drastic action was required, since I was not in possession of any weapons of mass destruction I reached for the next best thing. The trusty vacuum cleaner!!

This is officially a war now, first the bathroom, which was bad enough but the invasion of the lounge room was crossing the line. Let's engage in a little game of tit-for-tat shall we. Now that my secret weapon is fully charged, I'd never thought I'd live to see the day that howling sound of a vacuum cleaner would be music to my ears!!

The enemy must have some kind of telepathic ability, a scout must have realised my true intentions in using the vacuum cleaner. For they had started to scurry in all directions and some of the truly dumb ones had panicked thinking they could escape through the window.
It was too easy, these ones were giving up without a fight. Still they didn't surrender either and I had no intention of taking any prisoners.

Once the dumb ones were safely tucked away inside the vacuum cleaner bag, I resumed the hunt turning left, right, up and down in attempt to follow the source of the taunts. I realised that there were too many hiding places and it would be a waste of time checking each one when I had no grenades to flush them out.

I went back to the bathroom to mop up the dead bodies there, sure enough some had indeed made their way back into the bathroom from the lounge room. Probably looking for survivors to administer first aid to... whatever... how sweet it was to catch them by surprise and it was an appropriate time to let out an evil, diabolical laugh.

Rejuvenated by the latest round of victories in the bathroom, I hungered for more and went back into the lounge room. First stop was the kitchen, to the north was a sliding window with a fly screen behind the glass. Lo and behold, the enemy was there regrouping, planning their next stage of attack.

"Kitchen.... clear!!"

Now that the command post had been wiped out, there was little left to do except catch a few survivors around the lounge room. I was confident that the enemy had been eradicated, until I saw two usurpers sitting on the TV & DVD remote mooning me in defiance.

It doesn't matter any more, the problem is now managable under my control, albiet a few insurgents intent on derailling my new regime.

Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Testing Testing Testing.. hello is this thing on ?? Ahh.. yep can read you loud and clear now that it's up on the blog!!